It has historically proven manslaughter, assassination and terrorism civilization returns to human beings, an explicit evidence of this saying could be the slaying story of Able by the hands of Cane in an ancient history of assassination. In many countries, the word assassination is described as following: A vicious tool for devastating government, regime, rebellions, or the converse.
Accept It or not, statistically human has always been struggling with this immoral manmade phenomenon and assassination has always been in constancy accordingly. Another immensely vivid instance, is the Julius Caesar homicide which was planned and done by one of his closest friends which happened at Senna palace that returns to the year forty-four B.C.
Or in ancient Persia the story of Khosroparviz assassination which as well was planned by the guards of his own palace (the year 628) , or another outcome of trust which shaped the manslaughter of Darius the third (who was the king of Persia) which surprisingly it was planned to be assassinated by the commanders of his own army when he was striving to succeed In the battle he was against Alexander (334 B.C).
Assassins logo inspired by eagle’s skull, in Alamut-Iran where Assassins were established, it was surrounded by many golden eagles, Alamut itself in Persian means Eagle’s Nest.
The Assassins of Iran was explicated as the first inventor of an organized secretive political religious agency in history, meanwhile today world’s top Secret Intelligence Agencies such as FBI, CIA, Mossad, FSB(KGB), MSS, ASIS and so on are inspired by Assassins of Iran. Based on texts from Alamut, their Grand Master Hassan-i Sabbah tended to call his disciples Asāsiyyūn (أساسيون, meaning "people who are faithful to the foundation of their faith- short term People of Principles).
But some foreign travellers like Marco Polo misunderstood the name as deriving from the term Hashish, later on the word Asasiyyun transferred to western vocabulary as Assassins which influenced many movies and novels in history.
Many scholars have argued, and demonstrated convincingly, that the attribution of the epithet "hashish eaters" or "hashish takers" is a misnomer derived from enemies of the Assassins and was never used by Muslim chroniclers or sources. It was therefore used in a pejorative sense of "enemies" or "disreputable people". This sense of the term survived into modern times with the common Egyptian usage of the term Hashasheen in the 1930s to mean simply "noisy or riotous". It is unlikely that the austere Hassan-i Sabbah indulged personally in drug taking ... there is no mention of that drug hashish in connection with the Persian Assassins – especially in the library of Alamut ("the secret archives").
But logically, the justification (That they were taking drugs) proves them wrong, which says people who smoke weakening hallucinatory heavy drugs, cannot be capable of handling super sensitive mission with success or do routine daily combative exercises.The Assassins were generally young in age, giving them the physical strength and stamina which would be required to carry out these impossible murders. However, physical prowess was not the only trait that was required to be a "Fida'i".
To get to their targets, the Assassins had to be patient, cold, and calculating. They were generally intelligent and well-read because they were required to possess not only knowledge about their enemy, but his or her culture and their native language. They were trained by their Masters to disguise themselves and sneak into enemy territory to perform the assassinations, instead of simply attacking their target outright.
It need to be mentioned here there is a big difference between Assassins and terrorists today, Assassins of Iran never hurt or murdered innocent people, their main objective was to eliminate people who were oppressing and violating Iranian’s nation,Hassan-i Sabbah believed if few men dies it is better than thousands of women become widowed, that is why Assassins were trained to go only after their enemie’s leaders.
History has also observed numerous statistics of homicide attempts, to refer, one of the most political manslaughter of history was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865 who was the 16th president of the United States.
Or even after that, the 35th president of United States John F Kennedy , who was viciously assassinated on November 22, 1963 .
Surprisingly, the name of the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism whom shockingly was always trying to distribute his non-violent (anti-violence) attitude all over the India for his people’s civil’s right and freedom; Mahatma Gandi is on the list too, he was assassinated by distance shooting on January 30, 1948.
All In all, the absolute vivid lesson which we can learn by just looking at the history of assassination is as following:
Political, religious, or social supreme leaders must be given the highest level of extreme close protection and security, moreover they must personally get train by our Combat System (ROSTAMI), so in this way we will be able to minimize the risk of facing any sort of assault, kidnapping, homicide, loss of confidential information (ledgers, codes, etc…) and other consequential threats. This is the moment when we can actually take the significance of the bodyguard’s role and our Self Defense System into consideration.
Basically, they are two type of bodyguards in the field of protection: Traditional (old-fashioned) and Modern.
Traditional Bodyguards: were patriotic soldiers who always needed a grossly high level of physical strength due to compulsory usage of heavy swords, shield and bows in the battles which was quite absolutely useful in its own era, rather than being sharp and resourceful.
Javid Guard Elite (Persian Immortals-First Bodyguards in history) was consisted of extremely trained warriors who were either the King protectors as the Royal guard and part of the army.
2500 years ago, in order of safeguarding the land of Persia, Darius I the Great who was the forth king of the Persian Achaemenid Empire decided to create an unbeatable military groups which were mostly consisted of tall and good-looking youths who were supposed to
succeed in excruciating special training courses which would approximately take 6 years for them to accomplish, called Javid (Immortals) which returns to the year 465 B.C that as a matter of fact refers to the time when no country had any sort of army.
The discipline division of this army was based on the quantity of 10 for each separated corps , which is surprisingly quite the same division structure we can observe in today’s corps’s groups sorting of modern warfare and battlefields. According to the ancient archeologist and as far as the researches of Greek historiographers indicate, this military categorizing was practically much more effective and useful in contradistinction to Greeks.
Apparently, it was the most elite way of military soldier sorting in ancient time therefore we can take this as an absolutely forensic evidence which proves why this elite army lasted until the Mongolian occupation.
Another described duty of Persian Immortals was to shield the King as impeccable as possible, for that job they were consisted of two supplementary separate branch of specialized corps in an enormous quantity of 4000 highly trained and heavily equipped warriors whom were divided as 2000 on feet and on horse.
Modern Bodyguards: it is very explicit, indeed that technology have today’s world people in its hand and has simply manipulated them so far. After the second world war, concepts, technologies and methods which have come into use and blended with the juxtaposition of battle theories, nuclear weapons and intelligence force us to feel the need of requirement for a greater awareness of tactical, operational and strategical battle information in order to deal with today’s sophisticated war policies, proxy wars ,biological warfare, chemical warfare, and etc
A vivid instance of what we just mentioned was to help you feel the severe danger of modern warfare.The modern warfare of today does not require numerous number of soldiers or corps to be able of controlling a threat or a crisis.
The woe might be pressing or not pressing the button which can eliminate or even create a considerable mass of destruction without having anyone noticed. In other word, the more updated you can be, the more powerful you are or as the highly revered Persian poet has said : Knowledge is power.
The field of close protection has been influenced a lot by all the changing that has happened to the battle science and war. In contrast to exciting, tough-looking, glamorous appearance of bodyguards depicted on the film screen, an expert close protection companies do not hire people with that factors in reality due to all the military and war development we covered.
The real role of a close protection officer is way different than what people have in their head as an old stereotype. Professionally speaking: as a general rule, bodyguards who have noticeable masculine physics are not only extremely distinguishable while running and incapable of crowd camouflaging, they are also considered to be having the least level of intelligence in action and moderate speed of instinctive reaction.
Grand Master Haj Mohammad Rostami (born 1938 in Behshar county Mazandaran province ) was the quite familiar face of professional wrestling at his youth , accordingly that was not bit of a shock which beside the time passing, he became the founder of the Martial art Sambo In Mazandaran province In 1963.
Need to mention, meanwhile the brothers of the family (Abbas and Ramezan Rostami whom rest In peace) were the champions of there own time In Weightlifting and professional wrestling fields.
In 1979, right after the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran, the country was somehow overlapped with an inception of an imposed war (It was statistically considered to be the most long-lasted classic war of twentieth century). It was the first war experience of the Gulf and hair-raisingly the most soul-destroyingly vicious battle of it’s century next in rank after the Vietnam’s war.
In addition , the interestingly distinguished point of this cruel phenomenon was that It wasn’t only Iraq as Iran’s known enemy of the Persian gulf conflict. They were many more of supportive helping countries behind the scene such as US,Israel and even some European countries, consequently it was not a straight up battle.
Simultaneously at the war time, the Grandmaster Mohammad Rostami entered to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-IRGC( mostly known as SEPAH Army ) and began sharing all the fighting experiences of himself with the military campus commanders and eventually all the soldiers and turn them all into a battle machine.
As he was creating the Asymmetric warfare in Ahvaz city,(Khoozestan province) he received the title of Partisan, at the same time he was busy of completing his guerrilla course training under the supervision of one of the most famously honorable national hero General of the Persian gulf conflict, rest in peace Dr.Chamran (who had the honor of experiencing the holly patriotic death).
To sum up the main points, and take all of his efforts into consideration, due to doing his spiritual duty by fighting in cruel unruly battlefields against enemies of his country, with all sympathy he ended up dealing with the fetal influences of Nuclear Warface which sadly puts him into position to struggle with the effects of chemical substances in every breath of his devoted life to patriotism.Tragically Grandmaster Mohammad Rostami passed away in 2020 after many years of fighting his illness!

Grand Master Prof. Ali Rostami, is born in 1971 in Tehran, Iran. He was first introduced to Martial Arts & Self Defense through his honorable father and uncle who were the pioneers in Russian Catch Wrestling and Martial Arts. He began his first training in martial arts from an early age.
Prof. Ali Rostami is the pioneer of most advanced Self-Defense System in the world. He has decades of experience in tactical training personal defense teaching, and he has won many national championships. He was employed in the position of Martial Arts leader in several styles under the supervision of Iran’s Martial Arts Federation and the manager of Intelligent Self-Defense in public federation.Moreover his Self Defense style was taught and practiced in Public, Univeristies, Fire Departments, Banks, Securities, Handicapped Associations, Iranian Special Force, Police Units, Army, Anti-Terrorism Force, Secret Service, Air-Marshals, and many other government and none government departments and organizations.
At the moment, Prof. Ali Rostami is holding the chief of Self-Defense and Martial Arts Association, and the president of Jiu Jitsu International in the Middle-East. He is the founder of Intelligent Self-Defense as well, which is recorded in Asian, Middle-East and European Federations, which has been applied in many counties all over the world.
Prof. Ali Rostami, backs away from the kind of Self Defense systems and sports which promotes violence and savagery. Instead, his main objectives are improving personal security, fitness, health conditions, disease recovery through sports, and ensuring oneself will be able to protect him/herself against aggressors and create a safer environment for the world by teaching his Combative art which is recognized and known as ROSTAMI SELF DEFENSE all around world today.

Born in 1992 in Tehran, the esteemed Satur Poya Rostami is a graduate in Drama and Acting from the prestigious University of Malaya in Malaysia. Commencing gymnastics training at the age of 6, he later honed his skills in a diverse array of martial arts, including Karate, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Iaido, Silat, Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi, Archery, Shooting, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Boxing, Self-Defense, Kali, Yoga, Taekwondo, and close-protection under the guidance of his grandfather, Grand Master Mohammad Rostami, and father, Prof. Ali Rostami.
With two decades of expertise, Satur Poya Rostami, a national champion in martial arts, established the International Persian Bodyguard Academy in Iran. Additionally, he founded ROSTAMI SELF DEFENSE in Montreal, Canada, a combat training center emphasizing fitness development, personal security, and the overall well-being of its members.
With two decades devoted to historical research on empires, warriors, and ancient martial arts of Iran, Satur Poya Rostami made a profound revelation. Through extensive study, he concluded that the roots of all empires, armies, great warriors, and legendary figures can be traced back to Iran. Furthermore, his research unveiled that the foundational origins of contemporary martial arts such as Karate, Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Silat, Muay Thai, and various other Asian martial arts can be attributed to noble Iranian warriors.
In a groundbreaking realization, Satur Rostami's in-depth exploration led him to assert that the empires established across the four corners of the world were fundamentally linked to the rich martial traditions of Iran. Inspired by this comprehensive research, he embarked on a mission to revive the advanced combat culture of ancient Iran, surpassing the intricacies of many modern martial arts styles.